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Smart Replacer

Are you tired of the repetitive process of manually editing your website content? Meet the Publii Smart Replacer, a plugin designed to save you time and effort. This plugin offers a range of features that can automatically replace text fragments with custom code, apply regular expressions, and so much more.

Smart Replacer Plugin

Superior Content Flexibility

Smart Replacer not only performs simple text replacements but also supports powerful regular expressions for advanced content manipulation. All settings kick in as soon as you activate the plugin, eliminating the need for manual, post-by-post adjustments.

Let’s say you often use the term “Quick Brown Fox” in your articles but want it to be hyperlinked to a specific page. Nothing difficult, just create a rule.

Regular Expresions Rules

Simplify Global Settings

You have complete control over how your text replacements function. Choose to have them apply to post excerpts, content, or titles. You can even set up complex rules using regular expressions. And all of this happens automatically, once the plugin is activated.

Smart Replacer Global-Settings

Unleash the Power of Regular Expressions

Unlock the true power of text manipulation without breaking a sweat. With our Regular Expressions feature, you can go beyond simple find-and-replace to perform complex text transformations across your posts and articles. Imagine automatically identifying any external link in your posts and enhancing them with an icon or noopenner noreferrer atributes, all in an instant.

Regular expresions rules

Go Beyond Posts with Global Regular Expressions Rules

Why limit changes to individual posts when you can modify your entire site? With Global Regular Expressions, you can inject custom scripts, modify hyperlinks, and more, across all your pages. Apply them to the entire HTML document or limit them to specific sections like the <head> or <body> tags. You can even specify which pages these rules should affect.

One of the standout features of Global Regular Expressions is the ability to automate mundane yet crucial updates, like your website’s copyright year. Set it up once, and never worry about manual updates each year. Your footer will automatically display the current year, ensuring your site stays legally up-to-date without any effort on your part.

Global regular expressions rules

Get Smart Replacer Today

Elevate your website’s functionality and user experience by integrating Publii Smart Replacer today. This powerful plugin automates text and code replacements across your site, saving you countless hours of manual editing. Don’t miss out on this game-changing addition to your Publii CMS.

59.00 for 1 year

* Plus VAT for EU customers

What's included

  • ✓ Lifetime usage on unlimited domains
  • ✓ 12-months access to the files and updates
  • ✓ 3-months premium support


Oct 03, 2023

Requirements and compatibility

Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Publii 0.43 and up
View documentation

Get 3 months of professional support

Getting started with a new plugin on a new website can be a challenge, but our experts are here to help. Every purchase of the commercial plugin includes three months of support through our dedicated ticket system, so you'll have efficient and effective assistance with any issues you run into.